What makes a hotel sustainable? Top 7 sustainability initiatives in 2020

greenhotel Timea Takacs Aug 17, 2020
Jungle Pool Indonesia
Green hotel 

Have you every thought that the plastic straw in your delicious cocktail might costs a baby turtle's life? It has been estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. Yet, only 5% hotels of hotels are sustainable to this day.

Fortunately, the well-being of our environment and green thinking are relevant topics that shape today’s world. The expanding trend results in growing demand towards sustainable solutions in the hotel industry as well. It shows that over 2/3 of tourists prefer eco-friendly options.

It transforms guests’ expectations and needs when it comes to their accommodation. The growing trend pressures hoteliers to adapt their business to the ‘new normal’ standard, while offering win-win for the guests, for the business, and most importantly for the environment.

Let's review why you should transform to a more sustainable business:

Perks of sustainability

• Diminishes overall costs in the long run
• Significantly improves business performance
• Practices positive impact on guest experience
• Increases the number of returning customers
• Boost sympathy & loyalty towards the hotel

Top 7 easily adaptable initiatives to sustainability

Say 'no' for straws and plastic cups.
  1. Handle tasks online: It not only saves resources for the hotel, but makes it easier to organise and perform daily tasks around the hotel.  No more paper work, or lost sticky notes. For instance, online Lost and Found could save resources and limit stress for the hotel's staff.
  2. Avoid plastic usage: Motivate the guests to use reusable cups and glasses, and reward them for collaborating with you (e.g.: ‘bring your own cup’).
  3. Implement IoT solutions : Such intelligent systems reduce energy waste (electricity, water etc.) and makes the staff’s life easier as well.
  4. Launch a sustainability loyalty programmes: It could be as small as to motivate guests to reuse towels, to bring their own reusable bottles and cups or to share their ideas on how to improve the hotel green initiatives. It is a great way for relationship building, as long as they feel appreciated and rewarded in the right way (e.g.: tangible rewards like coupons, discounts or intangible like special treats, crediting them for the idea, knowing them by name etc.). By cooperating with your guests, they are involved in the process and frankly become more engaged with your business.
  5. Provide green transportation facilities: Motivate your guests to rent bikes or share taxi ride with others when it is possible (e-bikes and e-cars rentals).
  6. Make recycling easy for guests: Educate your guests (as they might share different cultures and knowledge regarding recycling) about your recycling system, so it is effortless and straightforward for everyone. Prepare introduction videos or manuals, and place recycle bins to multiple locations so it is visible.
  7. Limit the amount of food wasted: Quit straws, offer seasonal and locally sourced menus, or even donate the food that left from the day. There are several good way to get rid of excess food. As an instance, apps like ‘Too good to go’.
Offer locally sourced culinary experience 

Undoubtedly, these initiatives are key and soon become standard for hotels all around the world, no matter of location or culture. Hoteliers should not waste time and implement a more green mindset today for a better future. Guldsmeden Hotels are great example of maintaining a strong brand and running a sustainable, green business.

So, no more excuses! These easy initiatives are good starting point and are accessible to adapt to the business, even today.

Inspiration - Villa Copenhagen

In the heart of Copenhagen, Villa Copenhagen is soon opening its doors and offering a unique experience. The hotel not only built with charming Scandinavian design, but it also inspired by sustainable initiatives respecting our environment. Gourmet local dishes, excellent service and luxurious convenience in the capital of Denmark. In addition, they reuse the excess heat produced to heat the hotel's pool. How cool is that?

Villa Copenhagen - dining hall
Villa Copenhagen - room view
Guldsmeden hotels in Copenhagen